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Archive for the ‘Obama’ Category

Primary Fatigue

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

As you know, if you read this blog often, I am a political nut. I loves me some good political discussion, but tonight, I have to admit to being so over Hillary Clinton and the primary. I wanted it to be over tonight and it didn’t happen. I believe that Obama will be the candidate, but we are going to have to endure months of scaring, religion bias, “you like him better” whining and bad pant suits. Enough said.

On with the creative side of my blog. Just a reminder, when I started my blog back in 2005, the header said: “The artful creations of a high fiber grandma with occasional political rants.”

Here are 3 little pieces I did for the class with Liz. The assignment was to do 3 compositions where the focal point changes from far to near, using the same design idea. I did a lunar eclipse with indigo aspens.




I started on a vintage Japanese fabric collage composition today. It will also be my final composition for Liz’s class.

The first step is to put a large piece of Teflon on my pressing table, followed by a layer of Misty Fuse. Misty Fuse has no paper backing. I love that it does not change the hand of the fabric significantly. I then layer the pieces of vintage kimono fabric over the Misty Fuse.


Another sheet of Teflon is place over the fabric, and I fuse the fabric with a hot iron.


The fabrics are cut apart and are ready for use.


Next, I cut squares of the fabric and start arranging a background for the collage.


And that is it for tonight. At least I don’t have to wait up any longer for primary results. Bonne Nuit a Tous!

Catch-up Time

Tuesday, February 19th, 2008

I am just so busy that I am finding it difficult to keep up with reading blogs and responding to e-mail. I have had new responsibilities added to my SDA website admin job and there has been a learning curve and some glitches to work out. Let me just say that if you belong to SDA and you received an e-mail from a region other than the one you live in, we are working on it. The web gremlins are at work.

While I was chatting with Derry, our webmaster in London, he told me that my personal site is one of their top 5 sites for traffic. Considering the number of sites that they have designed and host, I was quite happy to hear that. Thanks to all of you who keep my site busy!!

Look what I found when I was doing some reorganizing last month:


This is a sweater that I started a few years ago. I decided that it was not going to fit me so I stopped knitting. The body was about two-thirds done. It now will fit me – yeah! – so I am finishing it. I lost the directions, so I have to figure out how to do the sleeves. I know I need to do some decreasing.

Today, I have been working on a couple of quilts that I want to enter in the PAQA South ARTQUILTSculture exhibit. I added some of the hand-dyed cheese cloth from Kristin to tone down some of the turquoise painting. I stitched it down with variegated perle cotton.


I am mounting another quilt on stretcher bars. I also did a fix on the Moonlit Aspen piece. This is the way it was with that annoying branch at the bottom center.


This is how it looks now. I still have to do some touch up stitching. Better, don’t you agree?


I just saw a preview of the CD catalog for the Good to be Green” show that opens next month. The quilts are all spectacular. It is going to be a very good show!!

I keep forgetting to recommend a wonderful little movie that we watched over the week-end: Sweet Land. I really loved this one. I had not heard of it, but found it on Netflix.

A shout out for my candidate of choice, Obama! Nine straight. I hope when I wake up it will be ten. It would be kind of funny if Hilary took Hawaii, his home state.

Got Hope?

Friday, February 15th, 2008

I had a good mail day. I have been waiting patiently for these.


I found this wonderful blog post (Huffington Post) about Obama, titled “Unstoppable Obama.” I encourage you to read it for understanding the Obama momentum.

Then, just for fun, check out this video.

I have spent the day relaxing and putting things back in order after my Art Cloth week. It was so nice to get up this morning and not have to hit the ground running to get things done or leave the house for some reason. I took a leisurely walk with Maggie, in the sunshine. Tonight we went out for dinner since we opted to stay in last night.

Hope you all have a great week-end.

It’s A Tie

Tuesday, February 5th, 2008

So far, my Chocolate Love quilts are in a tie so I am just going to let well enough alone and keep the original one in the 12 X 12 challenge. Someone, in the comments, mentioned that number 2 was pieced. Just want to make clear that this was a totally photoshopped whole cloth quilt. No piecing was done.

And, it looks like a tie in the Super Tuesday voting. What an exciting evening. I am feeling that Obama has lots of momentum going in to the remaining primaries.

Today, I spent some time planning the art cloth piece that I am doing for Jane Dunnewold’s challenge. I can’t show you what I am doing, but I will tell you. I received a 2 1/4 yard length of silk that was dyed blue with some circles that had been tied in the fabric before dyeing. Today, I cut off 1/4 of a yard and cut it in to 8 pieces which I tied and clamped.


I mixed up orange, rust orange, red, bright green and avocado. Tomorrow, I will wash them and try to decide which overdyeing color I want to do.

While I had dyed mixed up, I put some in squirt bottles and dyed some silk scarves.



I put them in my furnace room to cure because the temperature is warmer in there. Hope I have some good results tomorrow.

I also ordered some vintage Japanese textiles for a commission piece. I won this auction 3 hours after I found it on E-bay. Isn’t this gorgeous.


I also did 3 exercises for Liz’s class. This week our topic is Movement, Size/Scale and Pattern/Texture as design elements.

Please Vote!

Monday, February 4th, 2008

If you are a Democrat and you are in a state that is part of Super Tuesday, please watch this amazing video and then please vote for Barack Obama, tomorrow!!

Then, you can vote for your favorite Chocolate Love quilt. In fact, all the rest of you can vote for your fave. These are clickable to see them larger.




Thank you very much!