Here is the second discharged piece after getting thrown in the washer and dryer. I did simpler stitching – just horizontal. I think I could have stitched the lines a little closer, but it has nice texture. It shrunk more in one directions than the other. It started out square. Here is a detail shot.

I am going to crop out a twelve inch square for my SAQA auction piece. I am titling it Montanas y Lunas (mountains and moons). I plan to do some hand stitching on both pieces. The other piece will be larger and titled Undulations. Here are some perle cotton auditions.

This is a gorgeous variegated hand-dyed thread by Laura Wasilowski of Artfabrik fame.

I am not sure where I got this thread. I think it will add some nice color to the Undulations piece.
I got the results of my gall bladder ultrasound, and I have a remarkably healthy gall bladder and all the other organs and abdominal parts that showed in the scan were in great shape. So, I am going to stop worrying about that. I think I have found the reason for the hives on my legs. I realized that we changed soap in the shower at about the time the itchiness started. I have stopped using it and so far so good. I will now stop being a hypochondriac — at least until the next symptom arises. I am an old lady, after all.
We have had a run of gorgeous weather. I planted by veggie garden yesterday and replenished the herb planters.

There is room for a few more herbs. Mr C came after me and cleaned up the deck.
Here is the garden bed with a few weeds and looking a little disheveled.

I went at it with the hoe and turned up the earth. Love it!

I planted lots of lettuce for now.

This year, I planted the squash and cucumber in the ground next to the planter box so that they have room to spread out.

I am going to wait to plant tomatoes, and I still have room for some other plants like eggplant and peppers.
I really enjoyed getting outside to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air.