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Archive for the ‘Scooter’ Category

Yes, I Did

Monday, September 27th, 2010

I bought an iPad. I had a couple of unexpected checks show up in the mail – sale of a quilt and a check from Lark for the book. (See the link in my sidebar – you can preorder the book from Amazon!!!) So, I succumbed to the lure of another cool Apple product. It really is cool. I think I will use it a lot for reading stuff on line and for Kindle books. I also can travel with it and still keep up with my online work. It is so slick and fast and lightweight. It is very easy to read test and photos and videos are amazing.

I had fun at the quilt show on Friday. I met up with Terry Grant before our participation in the panel discussion about Finding Your Artistic Voice. We were joined by Jill Hoddick and I think we did a great job. You can read about it on Terry’s blog. Terry and I walked through the show; then, I bought lots of Superior thread and came home.

I think our show looked great. I forgot my camera so I didn’t get photos. Terry put together a Blurb book about the show which we are selling. Here is the cover. I love the piece on the cover by Catherine Beard.

Here is my page:

On Saturday night, we had M & M for an overnight. They are getting so grown up. We were remembering what it was like 4 years ago when they were 4 and 6 and how much more energy it took.

It is very warm here – not as warm as California, but even so, when we took our walk this afternoon, there was definitely a hint of fall.

Apparently, there are lots of big spiders and webs this year. I know that I keep running into them

We walked down to the area where the road is closed. It is supposed to reopen at the end of this week. They have piles of stuff as they do the cleanup. I wanted to help myself to some of this rusty stuff, but was afraid of getting yelled at.

I realized that I have not post photos of Mr Scooter, lately. Here he is in a rare moment of tranquility.

And, here is my fiber sketch for the day, titled “Intersections.”

I have some great ideas for some upcoming shows. I want to get started on them. I have been avoiding the studio, but I think I am ready to get back there tomorrow. Today, I spent too much time setting up my iPad.


Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Tonight was the finale of So You Think You Can Dance so I made a fiber sketch titled, Dance! My favorite dancer did not win, but I won’t say anything else. I don’t want to spoil it if you have not watched it, yet.

I have been trying to get myself back in studio mode, but I keep having to take care of other things plus I still have the issue of running out of the white to black YLI variegated thread. I am going to run out in the morning to check another store.

I like the way it randomly variegates when I do satin stitching. So today, I used the Superior white to black to do free motion quilting on the edges of the tree to create additional markings. I hope to start adding the leaves tomorrow and move on to another piece.

Here is a photo of Scooter. He is such a good boy!! It is a little blurry, but sweet!

Another Great Day

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

We have been having cloudy mornings followed by gorgeous afternoons and evenings. Tonight, we went to a local restaurant and ate outside. It was delightful. We came home and took Scooter for a walk and enjoyed the fading sunlight.

It was another busy day. I was trying to finish the sating stitching on the big silk aspen piece and I ran out of thread with about 12 inches to go on the last aspen. Argh! I had an appointment to get my hair color touched up and a much needed cut. Feels so much better. Then, I ran to my go to fabric store where they carry the thread I needed, but they were out of the black to white gradation. I bought Superior, but I don’t like the gradation when satin stitched. So, I had to put that on the back burner.

Tonight, I experimented with making a much more abstracted aspen landscape with a piece of hand-dyed fabric that I purchased from Laura Wasilowski. I think I would like it better if I could put it on a gallery wrap frame. It is about 11 X 12 inches. I think I will make a dowel or bamboo hanging rod for it.

Here are some photos that I took during our walk after dinner.

I wanted to get a photo of the crow, but I don’t have a telephoto lens.

The street we use to travel is closed until the end of September. They are doing a clean river restoration on the stream that runs from Reed College lake to the Crystal Springs reservoir in the Rhodie Garden. We walk down their every few days to see the progress.

I love construction fences.

I was casting a very long shadow.

I loved the photo take through the fir boughs.

I found blackberry bushes near our house – just across the street on the Reed College property. I have a nice snack when I take Scooter for his afternoon walk.

Speaking of Scooter, he found a stick on his walk and had a great time running around the yard with it.


Tuesday, July 27th, 2010

As of 10:30 tonight, 95 people have left a comment, hoping to win Jane’s book. It was so much fun reading all of your comments today. On Friday, I will use a random number generator to announce the winner. So if you are just reading my blog today, you still have time to leave a comment on yesterday’s blog for a chance to win Jane Dunnewold’s new book, Art Cloth.

I was so tired after dinner tonight that I thought I could not possibly do a fiber sketch. I printed out my leaf templates on freezer paper and played some solitaire on the computer. I went into the studio to iron the freezer paper to the painted lutradur and I suddenly wanted to use some of the lutradur for a sketch. I titled it summer. By the way, I cut out some leaves and the lutradur is going to be perfect.

This morning, I washed out the dyeing that I did yesterday. Got some great results with the t-shirts. The fabric was less than spectacular.

I used a cool black dye for this shirt – you can see the blues that have shown up.

For several of the shirts, I used chocolate brown and teal — I really like this combo.

Here is another version of the teal and brown for Mia.

This is some cheese cloth that got dunked in the black dye. I like this.

This is another piece done with teal and chocolate brown. I think this will bee really cool for discharging.

I love this wacky piece. I hung the fabric on the clothes line and poured various leftover dyes on to the fabric ala Robbi Eklow. I love a piece of fabric like this that can be cut up and used in compositions. There are many fabulous elements to this.

Joining  me in the studio was my faithful assistant, Scooter. He remains calm, cool and collected through it all.

Week-end Whirlwind

Sunday, July 18th, 2010

I woke up Saturday morning and knew that I needed to make a list. I had many things to do and was feeling just a little overwhelmed. I needed to get an online show entry done, write the president’s letter for the guild newsletter and proof my chapter in the Twelve by Twelve book, The nice weather was beckoning me out to work in the gardens. I got everything done and finished quilting the background for the silk aspen quilt.

I thought I would share some recent acquisitions with you. I recently subscribed to the Hand/Eye magazine. I received my first copy. It is a gorgeous, over-sized publication. This issue is about Asian textiles.

Yesterday, I received by Blurb catalogue of the Beneath the Surface show.

The quilts are making their debut at the International Quilt Festival in Long Beach later this week.

Today, I was at my local “everything” store, and this new Panasonic Iron jumped into my cart.

I love this shape – works coming and going.

Here is my old iron which has survived many falls and has lost some of its plastic parts.

I love these irons because they have a titanium sole and great for fusing fabrics.

This afternoon, we took Scooter down to the Willamette river to play. It was his first time encountering a large body of water. At first, he was very wary, but he saw the other dogs having fun and finally started retrieving sticks for us. He would not go deep enough to swim, but he was great for his first time. You can see more photos on my Flickr Site.