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Archive for April, 2009

Girl’s Night Out

Friday, April 3rd, 2009


Tonight, Mia, Steph and I had a girl’s night out. The guys went out for wings and then off to see a model train exhibit. We went to a Vietnamese restaurant in the Pearl and then off to the Contemporary Craft Museum to see the North West premiere of Handmade Nation, a film produced by Lisa’s good friend, Faythe Levine. Faythe was there for a Q and A after the film. Many of the crafters who were in the film were present at the screening. The film was loads of fun as it was done with a great sense of humor. I recommend the film, if you get a chance to view it. Mia realised that she was the only kid there, but she said she thought most kids her age would not enjoy it as much as she did. A bonus was a swag bag containing all kinds of goodies, including postcards with work by Lisa Congdon.

Speaking of Lisa, she and Wilfredo are now gracing the cover of a book.


This Japanese book company has published books of photos of kitchens all across the world. The latest is San Francisco. Lisa’s is featured and she and Wilfredo were chosen for the cover.

Not to be outdone, Stephanie and Maria are being interviewed about their book, A Year of Mornings, by the BBC at 3:30 am Pacific Time. I don’t know when it is actually airing. Apparently, a couple of London newspapers have featured the book and so they are getting some good press over there.

And, I have not been idle. I am well into the spring cleaning of my studio. I finished the kitchen/dye room this morning. We assembled my new stainless steel table. It is just the right size for my little room.


I reorganized and cleaned up about one third of the main studio room. I also received about 25 registrations in the mail and by phone yesterday, so you know I will be back at the computer. But, what a beautiful day it was and we are promised more this week-end. Love the sunshine.

The Rest of the Shibori

Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

One thing I haven’t mentioned is how well and happy I felt during this workshop. I have been working hard and stuck at home, chained to my computer with too little time to be in the studio. This workshop was such a treat for me.

These are the remaining pieces. Remember the ugly candy striped organic cotton? I under painted, over the red and then shibori wrapped it and put it in a bath of dye mixture from left over painting. We didn’t know how it would read. It was green. The chevron design is created by folding the fabric and twisting it on the pole. The organic cotton muslin is very dense so you cannot get the finer shibori lines.


Here is the back side, if you want more subtle.


Here is a detail:


Here is another beautiful shibori piece that was underpainted with a gradation.


This piece was first folded and clamped with jar lids and dyed. Then it was folded in larger folds and clamped with CDs.


I had four sort of square pieces of fabric. I layered them and folded them and clamped them with blocks of wood that Mr C had cut for me. They were dyed in one of the blacks. These will definitely get more work done to them and perhaps appear in a quilt together.



These last few pieces (above and below) were quickly folded and tied or clamped pieces that would not take up a lot of space. With 16 students, you could not always get a pipe in the dye bucket. In fact, I brought an underpainted piece on pvc home with me. I hope to mix up some dye tomorrow and finish it. This piece was folded with rubber bands around it and dyed in the violet.


Here is a detail – yum.


I have spent the rainy day at the computer, again. I had a pile of registrations to handle. I think I am caught up for a few days.


Wednesday, April 1st, 2009

My regular readers know that I am part of an online challenge group, 12 X 12. It was my turn to select the theme and I chose window. There is some amazing work popping up on our site. Be sure to go over and look through our windows.

In 2003, Mr C and I enjoyed a hiking trip in the Scottish Highlands (where I developed an affinity for single malt!). One of the highlights for us was taking a boat out to Iona where Christianity had it’s formation in Scotland. It is a Celtic thin place — a place of spirituality and tranquility. I took this photo which has been in that place in my brain where I store images that are important to me.


Here is my very literal interpretation – not going abstract this time around. Because of my hectic schedule, I had to take the keep it simple route.


I printed the beautiful, yet wonky stone ruins on lutradur coated with Golden’s Digital Ground. You can print more intense photos on lutradur with this coating. I fussy cut the structure and fused it to a background that I created from my hand-dyes and machine stitching. I then thread painted the structure. I love the wonkiness of this and the beautiful angle of the remaining stones.

Come back tomorrow for more shibori.