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Archive for August, 2010

Hot, Hot, Hot

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

It is hot in Portland. We went out to dinner and the car registered 95° at 7 pm on the drive home. I spent most of the day in my cool basement studio. I spent a lot of fixing images of 3 pieces of work to submit to a book titled: Art Quilt Portfolio: The Natural World. I wasn’t going to submit anything and then I thought, what the heck, might as well give it a go.

I also got the latest Aspen piece squared and trimmed. Someone sent me a ink to another art quilter’s Aspen pieces. Not sure if it was a signal that she thought mine were not up to par or what. I know that a lot of other people have done, are doing and will do aspen themed art quilts. I think I bring my own aesthetic to the theme.

I very much like what John Hopper said about my work:

There is a definite element of tranquillity that permeates her work, almost bordering on that of a serene stillness. Congdon reveals through a combination of screen-printing, painting, stencilling and discharging, a series of colour tones and textures that are able to transport us to the quiet places of the natural world. These undisturbed and untroubled havens might well be areas that are tucked away in the memory or imagination of the artist, though it seems more likely to be a matter of compositional thoughts that are imbued with Congdon’s love of the natural repose that she finds around her, and that we often find ourselves in forgotten and undisturbed corners of the natural world.

It is this remote tranquility that is the beauty and strength of her work. These compositions are landscapes, but of a more removed, introspective and abstract temperament than that usually experienced with fully representational art. Through her observations she is able to permeate the natural world with an element of silent stillness, that of a clutch of trees on a still winter’s day, or of a peaceful and placid cove, where the world has gone quiet and humanity is at bay, at least for a moment.

So, I soldier on, doing my version of the oft represented aspen.

I am cutting more leaves as I need to balance the left side of this piece. I have another piece rumbling in my brain that needs to be made. I have this one almost wrapped up.

Hope you are having a fantastic week-end, too.


Thursday, August 12th, 2010

Tonight was the finale of So You Think You Can Dance so I made a fiber sketch titled, Dance! My favorite dancer did not win, but I won’t say anything else. I don’t want to spoil it if you have not watched it, yet.

I have been trying to get myself back in studio mode, but I keep having to take care of other things plus I still have the issue of running out of the white to black YLI variegated thread. I am going to run out in the morning to check another store.

I like the way it randomly variegates when I do satin stitching. So today, I used the Superior white to black to do free motion quilting on the edges of the tree to create additional markings. I hope to start adding the leaves tomorrow and move on to another piece.

Here is a photo of Scooter. He is such a good boy!! It is a little blurry, but sweet!

Back Home

Wednesday, August 11th, 2010

We arrived home last night after a bumpy flight and incredible lightning show seen from the plane. We spent a little time hugging Scooter and then crashed. I awoke New York time so I am very tired tonight. It was a busy day of stocking the fridge, unpacking and doing laundry.

I did manage to make a fiber sketch. I must get the next Twelve by Twelve piece done. Our color theme is the colors of lorikeets. I went searching in my stash for lorikeet colors and found it severely lacking in the blue and green. I made a little study with those colors trying to warm up to them.

I found these photos from our trip on the camera. The first is the lake side view of an artist’s home. He makes art out of found objects.

Here is the front of his home with one of his creations perched on the wall.

I took this photo on our last morning. The sun was hazy. I love the mood of this.

I am very inspired by the sculpture of the fields where I grew up. This was taken from the car as we drove by.

I hope to get a good night’s sleep and then tackle finishing the silk aspen piece. I need to move on to other things.

Here I Am!

Sunday, August 8th, 2010

We have been enjoying a midsummer’s vacation with my family in upstate New York. We survived a red eye flight on Wednesday night. After an afternoon nap, I was revived and ready for the new time zone. My sister lives on a small lake near the Finger Lakes region. The light was so beautiful the first night when I snapped this photo.

One of the joys of the trip has been getting to know the youngest members of the family who have arrived since I was last here. This is the newest, 3 week old Gwen.

On Friday, Mr C and I drove to Auburn, NY, about 35 miles from where we are staying, to see the nancy Crow exhibit at the Schweinfurth Museum. It was a fantastic show and a huge body of work. No photos allowed. So this is all you get. It was fun to see the museum because I have had work there in the Art=Quilts=Art show.

After a delicious lunch, we headed south along one of the small finger lakes, to Groton and the home of The Main Street Gallery which hosts the annual National Small Quilt Show.

This is a sneak peak at the quilts. The show, as a whole, was very embellished — not my cup of tea, but obviously the vision of the juror. There was work by many of my friends in the show. I saw this show 3 or 4 years ago and liked it much better.

Yesterday, was our family reunion. Here I am with my sisters:

Carole is on the left, then the youngest, Judy, then Jean and me. Judy has been taking care of her 3 year old and brand new grandsons and has dropped a lot of weight. She looks fantastic.

Here are our progeny, minus two of mine and another nephew.

This is a handsome and accomplished group of young folks, ranging from age 50 to 28. It was so much fun to see the kids running around in the tie-dyed t-shirts.

Today has been a low key day of rest and relaxation. I have loved holding the baby, reading a book, helping my BIL freeze green beans from his garden and taking a long  walk with Mr C. I took mu camera along and shot lots of cool stuff like this assorted fencing.

You can see all my photos and the tie-dye t-shirts being worn by the kids on my Flickr site, HERE.

My family does not have wealth,they are not super educated, but they have so much heart. I am so proud to be a part of them. (I wrote this late at night. Apparently, some of my family was offended by this. My intention was to say that we do not come from a lot of wealth or higher education, and our greatest strength as a family is that we have so much heart and love for each other and those who enter our midst. I am sorry if it dame across differently.)

Another Great Day

Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010

We have been having cloudy mornings followed by gorgeous afternoons and evenings. Tonight, we went to a local restaurant and ate outside. It was delightful. We came home and took Scooter for a walk and enjoyed the fading sunlight.

It was another busy day. I was trying to finish the sating stitching on the big silk aspen piece and I ran out of thread with about 12 inches to go on the last aspen. Argh! I had an appointment to get my hair color touched up and a much needed cut. Feels so much better. Then, I ran to my go to fabric store where they carry the thread I needed, but they were out of the black to white gradation. I bought Superior, but I don’t like the gradation when satin stitched. So, I had to put that on the back burner.

Tonight, I experimented with making a much more abstracted aspen landscape with a piece of hand-dyed fabric that I purchased from Laura Wasilowski. I think I would like it better if I could put it on a gallery wrap frame. It is about 11 X 12 inches. I think I will make a dowel or bamboo hanging rod for it.

Here are some photos that I took during our walk after dinner.

I wanted to get a photo of the crow, but I don’t have a telephoto lens.

The street we use to travel is closed until the end of September. They are doing a clean river restoration on the stream that runs from Reed College lake to the Crystal Springs reservoir in the Rhodie Garden. We walk down their every few days to see the progress.

I love construction fences.

I was casting a very long shadow.

I loved the photo take through the fir boughs.

I found blackberry bushes near our house – just across the street on the Reed College property. I have a nice snack when I take Scooter for his afternoon walk.

Speaking of Scooter, he found a stick on his walk and had a great time running around the yard with it.