about the artist

Commit, Fuse and Stitch

I am running out of time to get the Metamorphosis piece done. I am leaving on Friday morning to fly to San Francisco with Steph and Mia for a baby shower for Mark and Jayme. The reveal is on Sunday, so there will be no last minute work for me.

Today, I had to stop rearranging fabric and fuse the piece and start stitching. Whew! It felt good to get moving on it. Here is a detail of the stitching. I am doing more precise stitching than I normally do. I am happy this small. I think it will go quickly. It has bating fuzz that I need to remove.

I messed around making today’s 3 x 3. I had to reject the first 2. I ended up with a simple square in a square. Works for today.

Don’t forget to leave a comment on yesterday’s blog for a chance to receive a pretty hot pink scarf . I will do the random drawing on Wednesday morning, PST.

We continue to have sunny days, but they are tempered by the cold west wind blowing out of the gorge. Wreaks havoc on my sinuses, but all in all, I am feeling great.

3 Responses to “Commit, Fuse and Stitch”

  1. Diane says:

    Gerrie, I am always inspired when you take on a challenge to make a piece a day. What commitment!

  2. Jeannie says:

    The sneak peek is enticing! I like the blue circle fabric in both pieces. I know what you mean about the cold wind. We have had sunny days after the fog burns off, but it hasn’t reached 40 in days – brrr! Have a great Tuesday!

  3. Francoise says:

    Nice little peek at your quilt. I hope to finish mine today.
    Have a good time in San Francisco.