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Archive for the ‘3 x 3’ Category

Crabby Old Lady

Tuesday, February 5th, 2013


That is how I felt today. Cranky. Hungry. Out of sorts. Why? Who knows. Gray skies and rain? Mr C in my studio?

He is finally repairing a hole he made in my studio ceiling back in the day when he and Mark built our new deck. That was almost 2 years ago. I found tools with white wall board dust on some fabric on my cutting table. He didn’t cover my sewing machine with plastic and it got all dusty. This is on the floor and being tracked every where.



I am happy he is getting it done, but it is like my sanctuary and it is being invaded. I stayed on the other side of the room and continued sealing the edges of my 3 x 3s.



My little finished piles are adding up. I only have 3 more months to seal.

piles of 3x3s


Here is my drawing for today – a wrought iron candle stick.

1-5-13 drawing


I will be in a better mood tomorrow, I hope.

Love the Comments

Monday, February 4th, 2013



I am having a lovely day reading the comments from my readers. Thank you so much!

Today, I started working on my little 3×3’s to get them ready for a final installation of some sort. Since they all had raw edges, I am coating the edges with matte gel medium to seal them and prevent fraying. It is fun to pick each one up and revisit them.



After they get sealed and dried, I am storing them in this bin and then, I will start reorganizing them into a large hanging.




This afternoon, I went to Trinity to jury the artists for our annual Artists Among Us Exhibit and Sale. I set up the photos in Keynote, Macs version of PowerPoint. I was excited to find that I could download the slide show to my iPad with a Dropbox app so that we had an extra device for viewing the slide show. We only juried out 3 of the 64 entries.

Here is today’s drawing. I love these water color pencils. I think I need to take a watercolor class.


It Was A Very Good Year

Monday, December 31st, 2012

yellow-green 31


Happy New Year! Things are winding down here in Congdon land. Paige and her parents tried to leave this morning, but their flight was canceled and they ended up on standby for a flight at 3:15 this afternoon – scheduled flight was 10 am. They are home now, with out luggage, but home. I miss my little mini-me so much. We really had a chance to bond and get to know each other. We will for sure be going to California for her first birthday at the end of March.

This was such a good year for us — I almost hate to see it end. I prevailed at doing a daily art exercise, Paige joined our family, Mr C and I took some great trips and spent some wonderful time with family, I had several quilts juried into shows, the 12  X 12 quilts continued to entertain people, Obama got re-elected, and I got to have my work featured in Art Quilting Studio.

My word for 2012 is Forward, the word that the Obama campaign used. To me, it means continuing the work and the progress I have made this year.

Here is yesterday’s 3 x 3:

yellow-green 30


This is the complete December collection. I really enjoyed working with yellow-green. I have tons of it in my stash!



And here is the complete year!



My plan is to finish the edges, perhaps by coating them with gel medium, then I will stitch them into a complete installation which will look different than the photo above.

Lisa and Clay are at Stephanie’s tonight, having a movie marathon and eating fun food and sipping bubbly. Mr C and I went to a 5:30 showing of Les Miserables and then came home to a light supper and bubbly. I don’t know if we will make it until midnight. The movie was every thing I had hoped for. I was riveted and did not bring enough tissues. A triumph of the human spirit.

Happy New Year to all of you.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Tired, Busy, Happy

Saturday, December 29th, 2012

yellow-green 28


I am coming to you from The Congdon Infirmary and Day Care. Jayme is quite sick with a head cold and cough. Mark is doing a little better. Neither of them is getting enough sleep. Paige, on the other hand, is having a good old time, keeping us and the dogs on our toes.



Tonight, she was in rare form, and was not ready to sleep at her normal bedtime.


Mr C and Mark took turns walking her around, and she finally got sleepy.

I keep running out of food. I am not used to feeding so many folks. I made a huge pot of soup tonight and it was gone. Clay helped me make vegan apple crisp. Just means that you use vegan margarine instead of butter.

I thought I would share some of my great Christmas presents. This is a lovely little hanging of Chinese zodiac animals with wonderful embroidery on them. My sister-in-law, Ann, got them when she was in China last spring.



I collect ethnic and folk art crosses. Steve’s brother and wife gave me this one. It is Haitian — made from a steel drum and then painted. It is really wonderful.



Lisa gifted me with some great fabric. Indigo cotton from some friends in Oakland who dye and sell fabric.



She also gifted me with a set of fat quarters of Jay McCarroll’s design. He was the first Project Runway winner who designs fabrics as a sideline. I am in love with the colors and patterns in these.



This is my favorite because I think I would love to make a quilt that looks like this.


She also gave me this lovely striped and very soft wool stole/wrap. Love the colors.


Stephanie and family gave a beautiful woven stole. I love the colors in this too. I guess I will be staying warm and stylish this winter.


Scooter is a little bit jealous of the time I spend with Paige. Sometimes, he just comes and sits by us and stares with those eyes you can’t see!! Then he will come up and try to put his head on my lap next to her. She loves him and loves to grab his fur and ears and tail. Overall, he is very gentle with her.



Here is today’s 3 x 3.

yellow-green 29


Only two more to go. Then what? I have some ideas, but have not settled on one thing yet. Sometimes, I think I should give the daily thing a rest for a year.




Checking In

Thursday, December 27th, 2012

yellow-green 26


The day has flitted by. I spent  the morning in my PJ’s, playing with Paige helping Mark take care of her as Jayme got sick during the night. She was not getting enough sleep, taking care of Paige, who was not sleeping well. Today, Paige turned a corner and seems much improved from the ear infection.

Paige had fun with my kitchen colanders.


Tonight, Steph invited us to her house for vegan spaghetti. Paige was back to her entertaining ways. She looked so cute in the sweater that I knitted for her.


Here she is with Aunt Lisa. I just love the little knitted sweater dress she is wearing.



I found time to get some SDA work done and to get caught up on my 3 x 3’s.

yellow-green 27