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Archive for the ‘Sketch Every Day’ Category

Left Brain, Right Brain Day

Monday, March 4th, 2013


I had to spend  the morning doing left brain work, and it was great to spend some time in my studio this afternoon. I made some more “parts” for my next quilt. I love the colors. Here are my scraps which will find their way into the piece, too.



I did 3 drawings this afternoon.

drawing 3-3-13


I tried to draw Scooter while he was chewing a raw hide. It is sort of cartoonish, but I think I will try more of these.




I drew my hand again. This one is better!!

drawing 3-4-13


We had a nice day today – a bit cold, but nice and sunny. Tomorrow is not going to be so nice, cold and rainy. That is March in Portland.


Takes Two to Tango

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013


I spent yesterday cooking Argentinian food for an opening reception at Trinity. The artist,  Mabel Astarloa Haley, is from Argentina originally. She does wonderful oil pastel drawings — some abstract and some of ethereal figures.


She told me that she takes photos at busy intersections and then does the drawings from the photos. She does a wonderful job of capturing body language.

I made a garbanzo bean flour flat bread, called Fainá. I topped some with carmelized onions and some with cheese and sun-dried tomatoes — gluten free.




I also marinated flank steak in chimichurri sauce – so good.



And there was also manchego cheese with quince paste on crackers.



I also had some empanadas and potato cheese things from Trader Joes. It was declared the best reception food so far!!

We also hired the Portland State Tango Club to come and dance for us. We wondered if they would try to tango the labyrinth!



Today, I did some household chores and some SDA work and then headed for the studio. I cut the batting for a large quilt. I started cutting and fusing some possible motifs for this piece. They are in the photo at the top.

I also have done a couple of drawings. I tried to draw my left hand, but it is kind of scary. I do have wrinkled and gnarled old lady hands.



And this is the little Japanese maple on my studio patio. I really am happy with this one.

drawing 3-2-13


I walked down to the farm stand near my house with Scooter this afternoon. I love these daffodils growing in the parking strip.



And as a counterpoint, this cluster of pinecones.




No Slacking Allowed

Thursday, February 28th, 2013


I thought that eventually all the commitments that I have taken on would pile up, and I would start to panic. After a bit of self talk, I got my act together  today and was able to bring order out of the impending chaos. I feel good about that.

I have been getting to the studio a bit each day, which helps to balance all the left brain stuff. I over-dyed one of the silk pieces that was not quite black and another undyed piece. I soaked them in vinegar and then into the silk black dye and into the microwave.

microwave dyeing


I got a much better black. You can see it in the first photo next to one of the pieces from the other day. The silk didn’t dye as evenly this time as you can see here.



But, I think it will work for what I want – at least the blacker sections. I also Mistyfuse the rainbow silk.




I also drew some sketches of the piece I plan to make with these fabrics. I won’t be able to show it for a bit as it is for an invitational show and we have been asked to keep the pieces under wraps for now.

I have continued to stitch the 3 x 3s together – having fun pairing beads with each section.

Here are my sketches from the last  two days.



This is the comfy old chair in my office – I have had it for so long.

Mr C brought these to me today. It was a gray rainy day and they were a delight.


Tomorrow, I am doing the food for the opening reception of the Trinity Arts exhibit. The artist is from Argentina so I am doing some regional food — steak with Chimichurri sauce, Empanadas and a few other goodies.




A Good Idea

Tuesday, February 26th, 2013



I posted a photo of my 3 x 3 assemblage on Face Book today. Someone asked how I was going to attach them. I said I thought I would just tack the corners to keep from adding more stitching to the small pieces. Someone commented that I could put a bead between each piece as a spacer.  My first thought was, egad, what a lot of work. But the more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I started the assembling tonight and it goes quite quickly. I am using my bead soup to find beads to blend in with the colors and beading thread which is strong and can hold up to the beads. I had  saved the plastic cover for something I bought at Costco, I think. It is perfect for holding my supplies.





I think I will enjoy the meditative aspect and handling each little piece.

Here is my drawing from today – my keys.


Our sweet little granddaughter, Paige, has had one ear infection after another. Today, she had tubes put in her ears. Surgery was successful, and, she woke up smiling!



The 3 x 3 Assemblage

Monday, February 25th, 2013



I think this orientation has much more presence than the longer version. I have 6 stragglers. Not sure how to handle them. Maybe I will have some holes in the assemblage and add more pieces to the bottom. Now I have to figure out how to stitch this together. I am thinking of just tacking the corners together so that I don’t muddle it up with too much stitching. You can click on this image to see it larger.

I dyed some silk charmeuse with Prochem’s Silk Black using Paula Burch’s recommendation of soda ash soak and batching overnight. It is a nice dark charcoal color, but not black. I think I might try a vinegar soak next time.



For my drawing exercise, I have attempted to draw a lowly baking potato, 3 different ways. First with pencil.



Second, with ink.



And then with ink and watercolor pencil.



It was the same potato – sort of looks the same. I think there is some merit in redrawing the same object.

My SDA registration duties are slowing down just as my work for Trinity Arts Artist Among Us duties are gearing up. I never run out of things to do.