It seems as if I have been on a tear to finish things since the beginning of the year. Tomorrow, I can check off two more things from my list. I have finished Mother Lode and photographed it tonight. I will burn the CD tomorrow and pop it in the mail. I will also ship Sunset Composition to North Carolina for the PAQA South Illuminations show.
I was quite perturbed when I finished quilting Mother Lode because It was just a tad longer than the required 48 inches and I really wanted to face it which would require a half inch more for seam allowance.
I decided that it was important enough to come up with a solution. I had a strip of the bottom fabric that was already fused. I cut a 1 inch wide strip of batting the width of the quilt. I cut the fabric 1 and 1/4 inches wide and fused it to the batting. I butted the batting strip up against the end of the quilt and fused the overlap of the fabric to the bottom of the quilt top. I then quilted it to blend in. Voila! I had the length I needed to sew facings. Whew!
This is for a juried invitational show so I hope that after I have gone through this that it will make it into the show. Either way, I will eventually be able to post a photo.
After several days of glorious weather, we are having a cold spell. There was some talk of snow or freezing rain, but it looks as if we will be spared.