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Archive for the ‘My neighborhood’ Category


Thursday, November 10th, 2011

I have a splitting headache. I think it is allergy related. We had to cancel our STASH outing today because Terry is sick and two are out of town and one has a brother visiting. I took a nice long walk with Scooter. It was a beautiful day, but I think there was one too many leaf blowers on our route.

I got some more work on the disappearing nine patch quilt for Gwen. I know that arranging those blocks to my satisfaction is going to be an exercise in futility.

I took some gorgeous photos of the fall color in my neighborhood, yesterday.


You can see the rest of them on my Flickr site. Just click on the photos on the sidebar.

I am going to put on my pj’s and call it a day.

Sneak Peek

Saturday, October 22nd, 2011

Here is a sneak peek at what I am working on today. It is a piece with California Poppies. I need more yellow in the poppies so I tried paint — fail!

You can’t even tell that I added paint to the one on the right. This is silk charmeuse that is already fused which makes it difficult.

I have decided that I will add the yellow and do the leaves with thread painting.

It was an unexpected nice day around here. No rain and not too cold and a bit of sunshine. Fall color is taking its time this year. I took these photos this morning on our walk. The color is beginning to pop here and there.


Hope you are having a nice week-end, wherever you are.

Talking Food

Wednesday, July 20th, 2011

This is a Focaccia Sandwich that I prepared for STASH, today. The filling is pesto mayo, tomatoes, red onion, arugula and fresh mozzarella. I made the Focaccia di Patate that I made yesterday. It has yukon gold potato in it and cherry tomatoes on top.

This is Scooter after I found him checking it out and hoping for some bites.

I served it with chilled melon soup and brownie with raspberry coulis and vanilla ice cream. The raspberries were picked from my garden yesterday.

Last night I went to High Fiber Diet. We selected the theme for our 2012 show – Elements: Air, Earth, Fire, Water.  I think I can work with that – lots of ideas. Our current show opens the first week of August in Oregon City:

NW Vibes, a new fiber art show by High Fiber Diet, opens with an Artist Reception on August 5th   from 5-8 pm at the Singer Hill Café, 623 7th St, Oregon City, OR.  Musical entertainment by “The Sale” will be from 6 to 8 pm.  Singer Hill Café’s Fundraiser Friday will donate 25% of food and beverage purchases at the Cafe that evening to the High Fiber Diet group. The show runs from August 3-31, 2011.

If you live in the Portland area, I hope you will come by and enjoy the evening with us.

Here are some photos I took at m beloved Rhodie Garden today on my walk with Mr Scooter.

And, I even saw a Blue Heron.

Pondering Gray on a Sunny Day

Thursday, June 9th, 2011

The next Twelve by Twelve color challenge, chosen by Kirsty, is gray. All winter, I see gray. Now, we are having sunny and beautiful weather and I am looking for gray fabrics!! Above are a couple of silk organza possibilities. That dark gray has been used in a few art quilts I have made, I really like it.

These are the only hand-dyed cottons in my stash with gray tones. Rather wrinkled and uninspiring.

Today, we had our monthly STASH meeting at Suzy’s. She prepared a very delicious lunch, and we had our usual good time sharing our work and stories.

Tonight, after dinner, I took my camera down to the Rhodie Garden and got these shots in the waning light.


Missing in Action

Monday, May 23rd, 2011

Where have I been? Good question. Not working in my studio, that is for sure. I got my hair cut one day. I have had a lot of SDA work to do. Friday, Mr C and I went to the nursery and bought some plants. On Saturday, I weeded and planted some veggies and herbs. So, I have been busy, but nothing to write home about.

I realized that I had not posted the lovely fiber post card that I received from Cynthia St. Charles. She is a fantastic fiber artist and is doing lots of different fiber post cards. If you would like a chance to win one, you only need to go to her blog and let her know.

Out next Twelve by Twelve challenge, Spice, is due on the first of June. I gathered my ingredients tonight

I am going to do some felting. I need to run out and get some more needles for my embellisher and perhaps some ribbons and yarns to add to the mix. I like the way that bit of chartreuse, my favorite neutral plays with these colors.

My studio is such a mess. I have all my inventory piled on my work tables. I need to rephotograph every thing, as suggested by Sandra Sider. I also have work that I have brought home from several shows and events piled up there. I have been rather lethargic and need a kick in the butt to get organized. Some more sunshine and warm temps would help.

Last week when it was nice, Scooter and I walked down to the Rhodie Garden. It is in full bloom right now. Here are some photos that I took.