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Archive for the ‘Solo Show’ Category

Sunday Sundries

Sunday, November 30th, 2008

Today was a pretty good day. We went to church early to hear Marcus Borg talk about the season of Advent. Today is the first Sunday in Advent. I love to see the giant advent wreath hanging above us. The new blue vestments were on view today. Wow! They sparkled. The creators and makers had stenciled different motifs with silver fabric paint and then embellished with Swarovski crystals. Not my taste. But I was not asked for my input so I will just be silent and ponder the design in my head.

After a foggy morning, the sun came out. I took a quick walk with Mr C and Maggie and then got to work finishing the Dead Sea piece.

As I was finishing the quilting, I decided to try to keep the uneven edges that I had cropped out of the previous photo. I like it. It is my style to have the wonky edges, don’t you think? I used Pellon in the structure so that I could satin stitch the edges.

I took some photos of this and the 12 X 12 math quilt. You can see all of the reveals on the 12 X 12 blog.

I took my sunset walk with Miss Maggie and wow! did we see a gorgeous sunset. The western sky was aglow in red. Wish I had had my camera with me.

Then I set out to pick up pizza for supper. When I came out of the store, I saw that I had a flat tire. I called Mr C, figured he would be faster than AAA. So, tomorrow, I have to take time out of my day to go out to Costco, where we bought these tires very recently and see if it can be repaired or if I have to get a new one.

I sometimes start to panic when I consider how fast the time is going by and the other work that I want to complete, But, it will be what it will be.

Work Under Construction

Friday, November 28th, 2008

First, I want to let all my potential patrons know that this piece is available on the SAQA reverse auction site. Today the price is $750. The price goes down $100 a day until the last day,when the price is $75. This is the third and final week. There are lots of great pieces available.

We had a great meal yesterday. Miles discovered Pecan Pie and loved it. I had to send the leftovers home with him. He is so darn cute. In his first grade class, they can volunteer to be expert teachers about something. He has already done paper airplanes. He also wants to teach them about Greek Letters and Roman Numerals and how to draw paper airplanes which is apparently a lot different than making them. Mia is all about Christmas coming and wanted to make sure that I was getting a tree so that she can help me decorate it.

I fell asleep watching TV last night, but I feel renewed today. I weighed in at WW and did not gain too much.

I finished piecing the Jerusalem Cross quilt. I really like this. I like that it will be such a nice counterpoint to the more abstract work that I do. I am not sure how I will quilt it. Very simply, I think. It is about 51 inches square. I matched my points quite well.

I also started quilting the Dead Sea piece. I love how it is looking. I had purchased some gorgeous brown, white and aqua Superior thread at the quilt show in August, and it is perfect. I love the serendipity of that.

Tonight, we had leftovers. The turkey brined in apple cider was devine. So moist and flavorful. According to Mr C, it is the best ever. He says that every year!! But, it really was delish.

Sew Peaceful

Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

I am so stressed by the construction that Mr C is doing down here in my space. Don’t get me wrong, I think what he is doing is great, but I sure wish he had waited until I had all this work done for my January show. I still can’t get to my copier and thermofax so all the collage pieces that I want to do with images from the ruins and the security wall have been put on hold.

I can’t use my computer when he is sanding dry wall so I run upstairs and then I get distracted and don’t get back to the studio.I think that tomorrow, I am going to lay down the law and kick him out until next year.

Tonight, I needed something that made me feel I was accomplishing something and was sort of mindless and peaceful so I worked on the batik Jerusalem cross. I have each of the rows in neat piles with the row number.

Then, I set about strip piecing.

I got all the rows stitched in one direction. Now, I just need to press the seams and stitch the other direction.

I also finished fusing the Dead Sea piece. It is sandwiched and ready to quilt. See that green line running through it? That makes it eligible to enter in the HIgh fiber Diet Line Dancing show.

I was tagged by Natalya to list 7 things  you might not know about me. I’ve done this before, but I will try for 7 more.

  1. I played the clarinet in band and orchestra.
  2. I have never ridden on a roller coaster, and I never will.
  3. I did not get my driver’s license until I was 20.
  4. I once worked in the boy’s department of a store at Christmas to earn the money to  buy a floor loom.
  5. One of my front teeth was broken when an enamel pitcher fell off a shelf at summer camp.
  6. I don’t act my age!
  7. I need to have the radio or tv on when I am working. It annoys Mr C!!

I have to get up early and pick up my organic, free range turkey. Today, I went to the Holiday Farmer’s market and stocked up on some great veggies. Steph and I are coordinating the cooking.

Fear of Cutting

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

I spent way too much time today thinking and over thinking how I wanted to cut my fabrics to start on the Dead Sea piece. I sketched and fretted. Finally, I just had to do it. First I fused every thing. I thought about piecing this, but I can be more free in manipulating the curves and design if it is fused.

Here are some of the elements that I have constructed so far.

And here is another piece; I added metallic white and copper bits.

M & M have no school this week. Tomorrow, we are taking Miles out for his birthday adventure. We are going to the Lego store and out to lunch. I hope to remember to take my camera. We love to have time with each of the kids on their own. It is really precious time.

Saturday Studio Time

Saturday, November 22nd, 2008

I spent some time in the studio painting fabric today. I started with some of the hand-dyed turquoise fabric and some cheese cloth. I wanted some fabric that was a deeper turquoise.

Here is the first piece that I painted with some salt thrown on to create some texture.

Here it is dried and ironed.

For the second piece, I painted with turquoise and some metallic white paint.

Of course, I had to throw on some salt.

Here is it is dried and ironed.

My goal is to come up with something that resembles that salt crystals that form around the edged of the Dead Sea. I painted some cheesecloth to add some sparkle and dimension.

I also  painted the muslin that was under the cheesecloth.

Here is another Dead Sea photo that is an inspiration to me.

Hope you are having a great week-end, too.