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Archive for January, 2013

What Are You Scared Of?

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013



First of all, Happy New Year. I have been cleaning up, putting away, doing laundry, shopping for food, and deliberating on whether I would do a daily art project and if so what. I thought of doing a weekly or monthly project, but I think it would be too easy to get off track.

I was going to do a small simple collage using found objects. I nixed that. I kept dancing around doing the thing that scares me the most — doing a drawing or sketch every day. I have often said that I can not draw, but what if I worked at it every day?

So, that is what I am doing. I have started with a very small Moleskine sketchbook, about the size of my iPhone. I trust that you will bear with me as I work through this experiment.

Here is my first drawing from yesterday.

1-1-13 drawing


And here is today’s

1-2-13 drawing


Whew! I did it. Now, I suppose, I am committed. I plan to move on to a larger sketchbook and play with some color, eventually.

Today, I did a lot of SDA catchup work. We are getting ready to test the online registration system for the San Antonio Conference which goes live next week and my work begins. I am currently composing a confirmation letter to all the registrants with info on San Antonio and the conference.

I also finished the quilting on the Rosales Organ Piece. I need to add some finishing touches and decide how to do the edges and move on to something new.

I am missing my peeps, but they are all happy to be home and back to their routines.

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013

wordlesswednesday 1-2