This is a sneak peek at one of the pieces for my show. This will be titled Green Pastures, referencing Psalm 23. I had so much fun this morning, fusing and cutting into the fabric.
I am on my last week of the Photoshop Class. I have learned so much. So worth fitting it into my busy life.
I started a 5 week clay workshop at Trinity last night. It is just on Wednesday nights. He told us to make as many small objects as we could – he suggested food and body parts as well as pinch pots.
Here is some of what I did:

It was very relaxing to play with clay.
I am on a deadline to finish this month’s homework for the EB Master Class.
I dedicated yesterday to getting it done. I have been so restricted with work space because the studio is maxed out with solo show stuff. I finally set up on the dining room table.

I had made freezer paper patterns for this last year. I sorted them out on the big drawing.

I started with this mess and some photos of where I left off last year plus my sketch.
It took all day, but I got it assembled. I ironed it to my big teflon sheet and moved it back in to my sewing room.

I almost had a disaster today. I brought batting and backing from the studio and moved the teflon sheet to the sofa while I cut the batting and backing and fused them. The teflon sheet slipped off the sofa and I had to do some finessing to get it rearranged on the backing and fused. I finished quilting it tonight, but have not photographed it yet. I will do that in the morning.
I have to get the multi-purpose room cleaned up in the morning. Lisa arrives at lunch time to start the house hunting in earnest. She will be out on Friday and again on Saturday. It would be so great if she could find something this week-end that they can move into at the end of March when they move here.