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Archive for the ‘weight loss/gain’ Category

The Good, The Bad, The Sublime

Wednesday, February 6th, 2008

THE GOOD: I did the washout of yesterday’s dyeing. I like all the results of the overdyeing and had one favorite. I am going to show my test projects, but I will not show the work on the actual length of fabric. So here are my samples. Each one is photographed with a piece of pfd silk that was dyed with it. Here is a helpful hint. If you are experimenting with different dyes and want to keep track of what you have done, make labels from tyvek mailing envelopes and write on them with waterproof pen. These are all clickable to see larger. The first sample, with strong orange overdyed, is my choice for the final project. It is the first photo.


Here are the scarves that I dyed. I think I will do another overdye on these or perhaps some screenprinting.


I also fit in some time to do some more exercises for the design class.

THE BAD: My weight was back up at WW today.

THE SUBLIME: Today is Ash Wednesday. Tonight, we had soup and salad at church before attending a beautiful Ash Wednesday service with the “Requiem” by Maurice Duruflé. The mass was written in 1947 so it had a bit of a modern tone to it, even though it was in Latin. The music was sublime. This was followed by sherry and an array of cookies, fruits and crackers and cheese.

Losing It!

Thursday, January 31st, 2008


I am up to my eyeballs in stuff. I have piles of colorful fabric that I am using to cut little squares for my color exercises in Lizzie’s class. I love doing the exercises, but I can’t really concentrate.

The Chocolate piece is giving me fits. I am having a problem with my printer and I keep getting ink smudges. Today is D-day as in Done Day. I must find a solution.

The new fridge is arriving momentarily. That means moving food from the current fridge to the new fridge after it is installed. Then I have to move garage fridge stuff to that fridge once it is moved to the garage.

My hair is a mess so I am taking a couple of hours this afternoon to get new color and a trim.

I haven’t been able to read blogs or answer e-mails. I am sorry and I miss you all. I will be back.

But, I really did lose it at WW, yesterday. I lost the gain of last week plus another half pound so I am at a new low. Whoopee! At least there is something good in this post.

Ta! Back to work. You will see Chocolate tomorrow. Terry!, I am making a list so that my left brain can be in control for a bit.

Wednesday This and That

Wednesday, January 16th, 2008

Let’s get this out of the way — I lost a quarter of a pound this week. To make it sound better, imagine a stick of butter gone from my butt!!

I think I have finished the latest construction piece. I chopped off some magenta and lime green from the top. This is what it looked like before:


And this is after I trimmed the top.


I am trying to think of a name for this. I see fences. I feel the warmth of summer sunshine. Here is a detail.


Things on my to do list.

  1. Twelve X Twelve chocolate challenge – due Feb 1
  2. Aspen quilt for Kristin
  3. Collage quilt of Japanese textiles — a commission
  4. Art cloth for the Jane Dunnewold project

Tomorrow is STASH at Beth’s house. Fun with good friends. Now, I am off to watch Project Runway.

Quilt Content! and Other Stuff

Wednesday, January 9th, 2008

I finally did it. I ironed Misty Fuse to my precious art cloth and I cut it. First, I drove myself nuts by folding and auditioning shapes and fabric on the design wall. I love working with these colors.


Then, I decided to just move forward, and as soon as I started ironing on the misty fuse, I felt more confident.

The next step was to cut the fabric and start laying out the design on batting. It seemed easier to do this on one of my large tables.


Then I pinned the pieces to the batting and put it up on the design wall for a look and tweaking.


Some of the pieces are a little wonky, but it is not fused yet so I will tweak it some more tomorrow. After it is fused, I will move on to quilting it. This is the latest in my construction series.

It is Wednesday so it was off to WW. I am happy to say that I was down 1.6 pounds so I lost my gain and more so I am at a new low weight!!

Mr C and I awoke to an e-mail problem on all three computers. We could receive e-mail, but we couldn’t send it. While I was at WW, Steve got in touch with Comcast. They gave him some hokey story about a virus. I have a Mac; I don’t get viruses and why would it effect all 3 computers – 1 PC and 2 macs. So, we called them back and they checked all of our settings and then had us see if we could send mail from the Web. which we could. The tech then deemed it our problem on our computers. Not!! So we called them back and we did not hang up until they found the problem — a spam filter that was blocking our sending mail. Why was it there? I don’t know.

I am such a political junkie. I was on pins and needles last night. I was disappointed that Obama did not get the predicted double digit win, but in reality, it was a good result for him.

Here is my problem with Hillary. I keep seeing one of those questions in an IQ test. What comes next in this series?


And I don’t want to have it be Clinton. We can do better.

A Code in My Node

Wednesday, December 19th, 2007


I got myself up, showered and dressed. I went to WW to weigh in. I lost a half a pound. I came home and went back to bed. What an exciting day. Thank goodness for the left over turkey soup in my freezer.