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Archive for June 27th, 2009

Saturday Fun

Saturday, June 27th, 2009


Here is the almost new microwave I got for five bucks today. Every June, our neighborhood has a huge garage sale. This is going into my studio for silk dyeing.  People come from far and wide. I have been suffering from one of those horrendous sinus headaches that I get. Yesterday, I didn’t do much except burn a CD to enter a fiber show with pieces that have photography in them. I got out a few pieces of fabric to start a new Aspen themed piece.

I was not sure how I would feel this morning. I was just finishing breakfast when M & M and their parents arrived to head out to the garage sales. I put on my shoes, put my coffee in a thermos and with Mr C and Scooter in tow, off we went.

I picked up a roll of heavy weight plastic in a free pile. I also got these big buckets for shibori dyeing for a dollar.


I couldn’t resist this sweet little print for five dollars.


We spent 5 hours, stopping for lunch along the way. Miles had saved up some money and got some great bargains. M & M selected some puzzles and games for us to have at out house.

After I recovered, I decided to head over to Reed College and check out the Art Fiberfest that has bee happening there the past few days. I found Nikki Wheeler who is one of the Twelves of 12 X Twelve. She was having a great time, having escaped the daily life as super mom.


I also got to meet Alma Stoller who was here teaching. She was delightful and I wish I had had more time to chat with her. Someone in the class wanted to know if I was the mother of the two famous sisters. Ha! Yes, my claim to fame — Lisa and Steph’s mom.


And so it was fitting that when I went to New Seasons to pick up take out for dinner, I saw this display of Lisa’s designs on prominent display!. This was taken with my iPhone and is not that great.


This photo taken of Mia with my iPhone, however, is quite good. She is growing up too fast.


I am whooped. Off to bed. G’night.