To make this quilt related and festive, I am posting my "Light Up the Sky" journal quilt from 2003. Slightly embellished. (How do you like it DebR?) And you can see that I have come a long way, baby!!
I am to old and jaded to make New Year’s Resolutions. I usually don’t keep them because life gets in the way. I do, however, have several goals. Here they are in no particular order.
- Sell the house and get relocated in Portland.
- The studio of my dreams in the new house.
- Wonderful moments with M & M, my grandchildren
- Complete the liturgical commission, happily and creatively
- Continue to create a body of work that is truly mine
- Enter more shows
- Find kindred spirits in Portland
- Keep Mr C happy
- Live a spiritually satisfying life
- Stay healthy
I am not sad to see 2005 go away – breast cancer and other health problems plagued me. I found myself overwhelmed by the responsibilities I had taken on. Heading into 2006, I feel healthy. I have shed the stuff that has kept me from doing what I really want to do.
2005 did bring me so many new friends via the blog. I started this as a way to keep in touch with my daughters and to share our creative endeavors. All three of us have had amazing things happen to us, and we have made so many new friends. I just love the serendipity of blogging and the Internet. Just call me techno gramma!!
So I am looking at 2006 with great anticipation. I hope you do, too. Happy New Year, good friends!