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Archive for June 15th, 2006

I Love Youse Guys!

Thursday, June 15th, 2006

This is a big thank you to all of you who commented on my blog or sent personal e-mails. You have made me feel so durn good! I don’t have time to e-mail you all back so this is my love letter to y’all!!

I had a great day. The crosses are fused down. I got in over 13,000 steps because in addition to my power walk with Maggie and Mr C, I was traipsing around the Pearl in downtown Portland, doing some gallery hopping and lunch with Terry and June. I made a date with M & M for tomorrow. They are coming in the afternoon to spend the night with us. Lisa called this morning to check in. I always love having a chat with her.

I will soon do a political rant because I can’t take it anymore. If you are not outraged, you are not paying attention. But while I am working on the worship quilt, I am trying to be calm and respectful.

Thanks again for your support as I worked my way through my design issues.

And because I love to post a photo, I leave you with this challenge quilt in which I was to portray my essence – I still love this image!
