about the artist

Archive for May 27th, 2009

A Very Busy Day

Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

This was the day I have been dreading — finishing my workshop and supervising the registration of the 200+ people arriving for the conference that starts tomorrow. I survived, but I am tired. I have to do this one more time – in the morning – and then I can relax and enjoy the conference.

I managed to do a few more stitched samples in the workshop. I didn’t get photos of everything. Here are a couple. The first is a collage of bits of fabric with bobbin wound thick thread and a loose tension. This was, of course, stitched on the underside.


This piece was done by stitching with a double needle. I had batiste on the bottom and cotton organza on the top. I then pulled yarn through the channels with a tapestry needle and cut little holes for the yarn to poke through.


For our end of class, Ashley, our workshop assistant, created some delightful props for a tea party.




So we had tea and cake while we did our critiques.

The place is really buzzing now that all of the conference attendees are showing up. We start off tomorrow with regional breakfast get togethers.

This tired old lady is off to beddy bye.