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Archive for June 15th, 2011

This and That

Wednesday, June 15th, 2011

I missed attending the SDA conference in Minneapolis last week for various reasons. One of the state reps that I work with sent me a goody bag of stuff attendees received. This is a pin with the SDA logo.

This is the official goody bag.

There were several magazines, but no Fiberarts. I was disappointed to hear that the summer issue is the last one to be published.

There was a small bottle of PROsapol – Prochem’s version of synthrapol. There are fabric samples from Exotic silks and Spoonflower. It is nice to see the quality of the fabric that Spoonflower uses. The little bag contains lavender scented wool scraps – smells delightful.

I also received the Quilt National book from Amazon today.  I have to spend some time with it later.

I think I have finally kicked the virus. I am tired tonight, but it is a good tired, not a sick tired.