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Archive for February 28th, 2010

My Diploma

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

Just thought I would post this extra large diploma, worthy of framing, that I received today after my four years of study. We had a lovely time reflecting on the four years of study. The mentor described me as being a quiet presence. I laughed because I think that may be the first time any one has said that about me. She said it was because Mr C had so much to say. He is, after all, the official theologian of this family. I just tag along for the fun of it.

She also remarked about my doodles and wondered if I was designing quilts. I was and also drawing portraits of her. I think I will find all of them and give them to her as a gift.

Everyone seemed to love their bookmarks. I was happy about that.

Don’t forget – Twelve X Twelve reveal is tomorrow.

A Busy Week-end

Sunday, February 28th, 2010

Today is the final time together with a class that Mr C and I have been taking for the last 3 years. We did our first year of the class when we lived in North Carolina. It is an Episcopal program called Education for Ministry (EFM). It is an intensive theology/church history program.

We are each bringing something personal for the other members of the class. I decided to make these book marks. And, of course, I waited until yesterday to get them done!! Here is how I made them.

I wanted to create a soothing landscape for the theme. I took a piece of batting and fused fabrics down to create a beach scene with a setting sun. Then I quilted the whole piece.

I then cut each bookmark and zigzagged the edges. I printed a riff on a line from Psalme 46 — Be still and know that I am God — on to organza. These were fused into the sand. I could have made the printing larger, but I still like the sentiment.

I also have to do a synopsis of year 3 for the class so I have been working on that. This morning, I am having a vertigo attack from clogged sinuses so I stayed home from church so that I can be healthy for this afternoon.

I am so looking forward to getting back to the big piece that is waiting for me down in the studio. Once I cut into my fabric, I was really having fun.

I hope you are all having a great week-end. Check in tomorrow for the Blue/White and a bit of Black challenge for Twelve X Twelve.