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Archive for March, 2011

Quick Check-in

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011

I am staying up late waiting for Mr C to come back from retrieving our Portland family at the airport. They got delayed in Las Vegas on their trip home form North Carolina where they were visiting the other Grandma and Grandpa.

I finished fusing the first chartreuse piece and started the quilting. I have a new Janome 7700 and I just love it. It is so quiet and sews like a dream. Above is a cropped bit of a sneak peek.

Tonight, Mr C and I hung out with the literati at Trinity listening to and discussing the poetry of Denise Levertov with the poet laureate of Oregon, Paulann Petersen, who studied with her at Stanford. I enjoyed it very much.

My Indigo Moons is doing ok on Ebay. I was very nervous about it. How embarrassing to list it and have it sell for 99 cents! I sent the link to our tour leader and the other folks who were going on the tour. He then sent the link to 500 people on his mailing list, many of whom who have taken the trip with him before. I also mentioned it on the art quilt list. Someone e-mailed that she had bid a rather high bid. Right now, the bidding that shows is not that high. We shall see. Here is the link, if you want to make a bid.

Construction Details

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

I don’t know why I sometimes have this intense need to push my pause button when I have the materials and I have a plan. Taking that first cut to fabric is sometimes daunting. I finally started cutting some strips of the silk fabric and constructing building blocks for my chartreuse piece.

I am making a very geometric abstract piece and it is a bit more tedious than I like to work, but I think it will be worth it.

I have finally waded through all the set-up on Ebay to list a quilt for sale with 90% of the sale going to Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami Relief.

Click here for the link. I hope it doesn’t just sit there!

This arrived via Fedex today, requiring a signature.

What is it, you ask? It is the cover for my new iPad2 which sadly, won’t arrive until a month from today.

Not Con-fused

Monday, March 21st, 2011

…just fused! These silk charmeuse fabrics have been Mistyfused so now I have no excuse for procrastinating on getting my chartreuse colorplay piece done. Tomorrow, I will start rotary cutting! I have a very abstract design in mind. I am in love with these colors all together.

I went to the nearby Mill End’s store where they have divine designer fabrics. I bought some black, chocolate brown and tomato red silk charmeuse to fill out my color palette. The clerk and I got to talking about Project Runway and how all of the Portland winners have purchased their fabric at the store. She told me that Gretchen Jones came in and bought fabric for her final outfits before the show had even started airing. They still have some of the fabric in stock, and she just had to show it to me. We have had 3 winners from the Portland area.

Today, when we took Scooter for a walk. We found some fake trees and shrubs on the street across from Reed College. You can click on the photos for a better view.

You can see the metal part at the bottom of the above tree.

Here are more fake trees. The tall thing is a tree trunk on the other side.

Here you can see the camera man with the umbrella covering him.

They are filming an NBC pilot, titled Grimm. It is a modern day fable in which the policeman star sees the criminals as beasts. I wonder how much our neighbors got for lending their lawn as a location for the props?

A Bit of Japan

Saturday, March 19th, 2011

arrived in this envelope from Belgium this morning.

My Twelve by Twelve friend, Françoise, who has traveled to Japan quite often, was very excited for me to have the opportunity and shared in my disappointment. So, she sent me a bit of Japan in the form of papers, fabric scraps and a lovely bookmark, created by her.

Today was the day of our departure and so it was especially poignant to receive this lovely little package from her.

As I have said, I am sad, but it pales in comparison with my sadness for the Japanese people and all that they are enduring.


Short Attention Span

Thursday, March 17th, 2011

Not much to show for the couple of days since I last posted. I am trying to remember what I did yesterday. Oh, I burned a CD and sent an entry to PAQA South’s ArtQuiltsmovement. I really had to stretch the artist statement!! I will not be surprised if I don’t get in. Anyway, I am still wandering. I am not lost, just not focused.

The next Twelve by Twelve colorplay theme is chartreuse, selected by me. This afternoon, I started pulling out some chartreuse fabrics and some other fabrics to fill out a palette I have in mind. The first photo is some silk that I might use.

Here are the hand-dyed cottons that I came up with.

I then looked through my commercial fabrics and came up with some that might be fun to fit into the mix.

Tonight, I did some sketches for this. I know what I want to do, now, I have to see if I can pull it off. Tomorrow, I will be Mistyfusing some fabric.

We have been having miserable rainy weather. This afternoon, the sun came out for a bit. Mr C and I took Scooter for a walk at the Rhodie garden. All of a sudden, I see that it is pink season in Portland, again.

And for all the Scooter fans, he got a haircut in preparation for two weeks out at the doggie farm (now canceled). He looks so skinny.

The news from Japan is not very good tonight. Such a triple disaster.