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Archive for March 25th, 2007

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Sunday, March 25th, 2007


This is on my design wall. I started it at Art Quilt Tahoe. When I was back in my studio, I put it there and have been contemplating what I will do with it. The other day Mia was in the studio with me and said, “Gramma, nobody is going to buy that!” So, my mission is to turn it in to something that Mia thinks is marketable.

I am also going to make some changes in this one that has been languishing on the design wall since AQT. I am going to remove the cut work on the right and do something else for that end. I will turn the cut work piece in to a small piece by itself.


This week-end, Mr C had a retreat with the Outreach Commission from the Cathedral. It was raining on Saturday, so I spent the day working on a newsletter/brochure for the Arts Commission. I thought I was just going to do the layout, but I met with the Arts coordinator last week, and her assumption was that I was writing it. I finished it this afternoon. I think I did a pretty good job. I have sent it off to the chair and the coordinator for their comments.

M and M and their parents have gone camping on the coast of Washington. They will be back on Tuesday. It is spring break. I am hoping they can come over later in the week to make some Easter decorations and plan their mom’s birthday.

Mr C and I loved all the comments on our possible food stamp diet! The whole outreach commission is planning on participating and they are going to encourage members of the parish to participate and then get together to discuss the experience. I just realized that for part of the week, I will be going on retreat to the beach with the STASH quilting group. This is going to be interesting.