The APNQ show was here for the first time this year. It was a great venue and the show looked great – the quality of the work was wonderful and the number of art quilts was pretty large.
Here is my official name tag for being a finalist.
I have some very blurry photos of quilts. I think I had my camera on the wrong setting. So I will have to reshoot my faves tomorrow. Here is my quilt hanging in the show. I entered in the new art quilt division, hoping that my quilt would hang with other smallish quilts, but no, it is next to gigantic sunflowers.
Here is Terry with her quilt. She got to hang next to the cows from Sonoma County.
I love, love the architecture of Seattle. Some of you may remember that I did my journal quilt about Seattle architecture last year. Here are some shots from the Convention Center, which has wonderful windows, even in the ceiling.
I captured two different planes flying overhead.
This is how I amuse myself when I am sitting and waiting.
Linda and I at lunch. I was showing her how I can flip the viewer on my camera and take a self-portrait.
Teyy’s sister, Becky, took the ferry over from Port Orchard and spent some time with us. Here they are leaving the show for the day. (Hi, Beck!!)
I got some great stuff today, but I haven’t photographed it yet. We went out for dinner at a Greek restaurant where the service was very slow. But the company was great. Terry’s sister-in-law, from Montana, was here with her business partner selling hand dyed wool and ribbon and yummy embellishments. They had dinner with us tonight and I really enjoyed chatting with Jamie, who won a third place on her applique quilt.
I was so happy to get in my Jammie’s tonight. It is grueling doing a quilt show.