This line from Michelle Obama’s speech last night has captivated me. I am going to do a quilt with this theme when I have a chance. Wasn’t that an amazing speech. It gave me chills and smiles and tears. I am so proud that this country has come this far. I love my country, too!
Today, I spent some quality time with M & M. We went to the Rhodie Garden and fed the ducks and the squirrels. We saw some juvenile coots being fed by their parents. After lunch we played some silly videos on the computer and laughed hard.
I also did some work in the studio. I started a couple of new quilts that are making me VERY happy, but they are top secret — can’t show you yet.
Ooooh! I am listening to Hillary and I am very happy about what she is saying. No how, no way, NO MCCAIN!!
I thought I would bring you up to date on our household improvements since I don’t have quilty photos.
This is the farm. All of the triangle boxes are completed. We are waiting for top soil and gravel for the paths.
And here are the final touches for the bathroom.
This is the storage unit in the entryway.
This is that same unit reflected in the mirrored closet door.
This is the storage unit with mirrored doors over the sinks.
My son-in-law, Jack, designed the storage units. He designed this appliance garage for my things that plug in. Cool. eh?
Look at all the room that I have for more shoes!! There are shelves I couldn’t fit in the photo.
This I love!!
I have always wanted an ironing board in my closet, ready when I need it. I discovered this in Terry’s utility room in her new house. I have to give her credit for doing all the research for this. And, Mr C and our contractor for figuring out how to install this in the closet.
I am so happy with our new bathroom and closet. When I am in there, I feel as if I am in a beautiful bathroom in a boutique hotel. I feel really blessed that we have been able to create this space in this home that I love so much.