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Archive for November 14th, 2012

What the Heck?

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012

I saw the physical therapist yesterday. Her assessment is that there really isn’t much wrong with my knees, it is my left hip that is causing the knees to hurt. I have had a problem with that hip since I was in an automobile accident back in 2003. My friend, Pat, and I were driving to PIQF in Santa Clara. We were almost there and BAM, a woman ran a red light and hit my car broadside and it seemed like we spun around and around and around. The Lexus was 2 months old, but it protected us from serious injuries. My door nor the sun roof could be opened so the policeman asked if I could climb out the passenger’s side. Ahem. I am not a small woman. Nothing worked in the car so we could not move the seats back. I was in shock anyway. So I managed to maneuver out from behind the steering wheel and out of the car.

Soon after, I started having pain in my left hip. I was diagnosed with a torn piriformis muscle. I walked with a cane until it was better. However, I have had pain in that hip off an on since then. I have almost become immune to the pain. The pain in my knees was new and I didn’t realize they were connected. Long story short, I have to have the hip x-rayed and in the meantime, I have to walk with a cane, again. Scooter does not like the cane and thinks I am walking to slowly. I am not a happy camper. It is most painful to do stairs, and I am always up and down to my studio so I have tried to manage my day better so that I stay down or up for longer periods of time.

I have been working on Constant Contact e-mails and going to appointments and thus, slacking in the studio. I did get a couple of 3 x 3’s done. I think I am clear to get back to quilting tomorrow.

At least the weather has been sunny, but cool. I think we have one more day to enjoy before the rains return.

Wordless Wednesday

Wednesday, November 14th, 2012