I am feeling so much better, but a little tired. Maybe because I have been moving at a pretty good clip to meet my deadlines. I have a very busy week.
I finished Kimono III and you can see it attached to a bamboo hanging rod. I attached the other two to rods, also.
Today, the family came for dinner. I made roast salmon on a bed of potatoes, peas and parsnips. Steph made delicious brioche and lovely arugula salad.
When Steph was a little girl, if her birthday occurred near Easter, I made her a bunny cake.
I thought it would be fun to make her one again this year. It is a more adult version — coconut pound cake with dark chocolate frosting and toasted coconut garnish.
He is a little scary looking, but he tasted delicious!!
Tomorrow, I have guild board meeting in the morning. Then, I have to finish all my work for the Japanese Garden show. I want to dye some scarves and perhaps make some postcards. Everything has to be delivered on Tuesday. On Wednesday, I have a committee here at my house all day, working on selecting slides from the guild slide library that will represent a retrospective of guild activities and work. These will be digitized and the rest will be donated for study or thrown out. Slides are now obsolete!!
We won’t have STASH this week because Gale is in Arizona visiting her sister and Terry is working for the census and Beth is over at her beach house. It is Terry’s birthday tomorrow and I was hoping to celebrate, but we will have to wait until next week.
I hope you had a lovely holiday!